Jobs for Life will educate, equip and empower individuals to enter and be successful in the job market. It focuses not only on training & assisting people to find jobs, but also on transforming them into individuals with the character and attitude to keep and excel in a job. This program utilizes a proven curriculum, JFL Champions to mentor, and employers to provide insights on the work environment and how to get jobs. Our desire is to equip these individuals to be successful no matter what they try to accomplish in life. Our classes are in partnership with Union Mission for the Women.
Meeting Time: Jobs for Life runs two sessions a year. The start dates for 2021 are April 14th and September 1st. The sessions meet Wednesday’s 6:30 PM-8:30 PM for ten weeks.
Meetings Location: Wave City Care offices- 629 Wesley Dr #200, Virginia Beach, VA 23452!
For more information on our Jobs for Life program, please click on one of the following options down below